Complaints Policy

At Project Victor Co., Ltd., we try very hard to avoid complaints in the first place but if you think you have reason to complain about us, we will endeavor to resolve the matter quickly for you.
We will keep you informed of progress as we seek resolution of your complaint.
Project Victor Co., Ltd., takes complaints very seriously.
This Complaints Policy defines our approach to complaint handling and how we deliver the expectations of our regulators in respect of the provision of benchmark administration.

Complaints covered by this Policy

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about the provision of, or failure to provide, Project Victor’s training and coaching services in matters related to the training courses and coaching services we provide.

A complaint may, for example, concern:

Complaints not covered by this Policy

Please note that this Complaints Policy does not cover:

If we think that your complaint should be handled by another entity, we will forward the complaint accordingly and inform you promptly in a final response why the complaint has been forwarded, giving you the other entity’s contact details.

Handling complaints

We will accept complaints made by any reasonable means. If a complaint is not in writing, we may ask for the details to be put in writing or we may write to you by letter or email setting out our understanding of the complaint.

A complainant may write direct to the Board of Project Victor Co., Ltd., or to the Oversight Committee.

On receipt of a complaint:

Disclosure of Information

Collection of Cookies

Cookies are small files that a website or a service provider transfers to the hard drive of your computer through your web browser, with your permission. They enable the website or service provider to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain data.

Project Victor uses cookies for the following reasons:

  1. We will write to you within 2 business days of receiving it to acknowledge the complaint and confirm that we are dealing with it.
  2. We will investigate the complaint carefully, diligently and impartially. This will be done by a senior member of our staff who was not directly involved in the matter giving rise to your complaint. We may escalate the complaint as appropriate to the Board of directors of Project Victor Co,. Ltd.
  3. We will decide whether we think that the complaint is justified.
  4. If in our view the complaint is justified, we will decide what remedial action is appropriate.
  5. We will write to you as soon as possible with our decision and explain clearly our assessment of the complaint, our decision on it and whether we propose any remedial action. If we cannot send you a final response within 8 weeks of receiving the complaint, we will write to you to explain why and to let you know when we expect to be able to complete the review and give you our final response.
  6. If we uphold a complaint, we will consider whether others who have not complained to us nevertheless may have had cause to complain.

Investigating the complaint

To help us to review your complaint, we ask you to be clear about what the complaint is, to supply as much evidence as you can and also to let us know what action you are looking for us to take.

Factors that may be relevant in our assessment of a complaint include:

During our review of the complaint, we may need to get further information from you and/or from others. We may also need to get clarification of the information you have provided to us. If we ask you for further information or validation, please respond to us as soon as possible as we may be unable to continue to review the complaint in the meantime.

We will keep the matter of your complaint confidential as far as possible but it may be necessary for us to contact third parties for information. We will endeavor to do this without identifying you if this is possible.

You may advise us that you will not allow us to identify you as the complainant but in such circumstances it may be impossible for us to complete our review of your complaint.


Financial compensation will only apply in exceptional cases where the loss or suffering is considered to warrant such a payment, where a complainant has suffered injustice or hardship resulting in direct financial loss due to the actions of Project Victor Co., Ltd.


All complaints will be dealt with confidentially and in accordance with the requirements of the ‘Thailand Personal Data Protection Act’ approved by the Thailand National Legislative Assembly on February 28, 2019.

Recording complaints

We will retain all complaints records for at least 5 years.

Contact Us

Project Victor’s contact details for complaints are:

Project Victor Co., Ltd.

200/05 Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Road,
Chongnonsi, Yannawa Bangkok 10120.

Thailand +66 92 348 4772
Email Us:

A complainant wishing to write direct to the Board of Project Victor is asked to mark the envelope accordingly.